Pen an absolutely REVOLTING Valentine's Day poem to someone you wish to kill (smother? maim?) with kindness. No more than ten lines, please! Evisceration and filthy, colorful language of yore are a plus. Tag me in the comments, if you wish. #myloathsomevalentine
I miss you!
I miss your face
When I aim my newly sharpened dart.
I miss your voice and the screeching it makes,
Dogs can only hear that I have no heart.
I missed you yesterday, with the car, as I thought,
"Damn, she's running pretty fast."
She's running? Ha! It can't be.
Someone finally told her the truth about her ass.
I simply miss you, like a gaping, bloody, infected, oozing hole in the head.
I don't look good in orange, that's why you're not dead.