There was Time, and We were Friends
There was time, and we were friends.
After a long while, we had learned to make amends.
We'd made a pact long ago:
Honor the dead and let go of the things that shifted to and fro.
The things that neither had command over.
The plans that never got made and only grew colder.
Still, the hollowness and the abyss soon followed.
Leaving us both old and tired.
Neither abandoned the other.
We held fast and knew the answer of time:
Patience and chance, went hand in hand.
Until age did arrive, did we question it briefly.
How the decades had passed peacefully,
Many a times, did we feel the strain of holding on
Of indecision and endless collisions.
The bitter-sweetness and continuous fearfulness.
We could look each other in the eye.
We could call each other friends and allies.