Happy Shit
Homemade Soup
Good conversation with friends
The way poems seems to pour out of my brain
Cardigan Sweaters
When my residents smile at me
The Walking Dead
Talking to my dogs like they are people
Dancing like a fool to music in the car
Polka/ big band/ Elvis dance parties with my residents
A nice cup of hot tea (Earl grey)
Vegan brownies
Learning new things
Reading stories about people doing good things for others
TWD Fanfiction
Good red wine
Finding some way to reference Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Divergent or The Walking Dead in any situation (fangirl problems)
Having a clean apartment (but I hate the cleaning part)
The Pittsburgh Steelers
The colors purple and teal
Fuzzy socks
Walking my dogs at my favorite park
Clearance racks at any store
Sunsets over Lake Erie (in particular at Geneva-on-the-lake, Ohio)
Good books