Challenge of the Week #59: Modernise Shakespeare’s ‘Shall I Compare Thee’ sonnet. The most masterfully written piece, as voted and determined by the Prose team, will be crowned winner and receive $100. Quality beats quantity, always, but numbers make things easier for our judges, so share, share, share with friends, family, and connections. #ProseChallenge #getlit #itslit
She is indomitable,
incomparable to anything else nature ever fashioned.
Tempests might devour the budding fruits of labour in seasons so short,
we barely remember the havoc wrought
Her storm seeks not tranquility
but new shores where it sweeps up everything missed on its last visit.
Sometimes the sun offers some semblance of a challenge
with golden hues so near the light her skin carries.
Dim attempts to shine as she did with infallible beauty.
One that matured instead of wilting
and Time himself was left to admire,
thus Death joined suit desiring her too.
As long as they coveted her, no mortal could hold her.
So long as they reigned, her beauty remained unrivaled.