Challenge of the Week #59: Modernise Shakespeare’s ‘Shall I Compare Thee’ sonnet. The most masterfully written piece, as voted and determined by the Prose team, will be crowned winner and receive $100. Quality beats quantity, always, but numbers make things easier for our judges, so share, share, share with friends, family, and connections. #ProseChallenge #getlit #itslit
Could I explore you through your Instagram?
Your photos show adventure, wanderlust,
Temporary moments; your epigram
lacks your residing presence among us.
The occasional overexposed pic
Or filter to cover some unseen flaw
Bends reality and skews the skeptic,
By intent or accident, you withdraw.
Your Instagram story can’t contain you
Or hold your life up to the light of day,
Because the life we let others into
In minutes will quietly fade away.
You’re more than a simple captured minute,
Your life’s influence will continue infinite.