In distraction, when frustration has me grumbling, the pretty butterfly flutters gently by on the breeze. My stuttering try at breath begins to ease for the beauty the eye sees in the message it brings on its colorful wings. My heart sings to tease my soul to peace with the melody that springs into the mind with the spirit's strings that start muttering a beat for the rhythm surrounding the heat of summer's end. The quiet journey of the rainbow's awkward, yet gorgeous pet commences to butter the bread of art's skill, perching on my window's sill to pause and contemplate the garden's still harmony. It reclines to rest and capture the sunset, posing for my quill, so tranquil that I try my best to promote the dozing of my little guest. Then I may watch my fill - drink in the sight - of the shimmering delight that sparks a symphony in vision through my imagination's path, until, alas, I have to sneeze. Off it goes, startled by the noises of my nose, to flit around a nearby rose, the perfect shade - so close in hue that it glimmers in the dew with the movement given by the shadow cast over it in flight, waving goodnight, sparkling in the dimming light as the sun sets to trimming the bright ends of its rays. Slowly, while it lingers, shining flirting fingers of its might onto the bobbing bug, the clouds tug the reluctant orb over the horizon, high on ozone. Weepy in farewell, they drizzle sleepy tears onto the ground where these sizzle gas into the atmosphere, adding prisms for the sphere to paint a mural as a backdrop for the floating incarnation of the bumbling caterpillar to dance in grace, before exiting the space. With a smile on my face, I say a silent goodbye to my distracting little friend. Thank you for the timely end to my impatient mumbling.