The Memoirs’ of a Homeschooler
If you have ever thought about homeschooling at all I would bet you have it wrong. Unless you have actually lived it then you have no idea what it is like. Some of you might have a rosy picture of being able to sleep in, working when you want to, an easy load, no bullying, etc., and you would be wrong. Others might have the idea that we are so secluded and socially backward and repressed that we are unable to function properly in society. And they would definitely be wrong! Addressing the first lot of you I say as if! You have your principle, teachers, and disciplinary officers etc. all rolled into one terrifying entity called your mother. Sleeping in - not a chance if you like your pillow dry. Choosing times - we also have to be breakfasted and at our desks by a certain time. An easy load - ha, who knows better where you struggle and how to give you a push than your Mum. And how about bullying - that oh so common problem plaguing the youth of today, well you've usually got plenty of time with your sibling to make sure you don't feel left out. Now to address the second lot which is all of you doubters. Well, I might be the exception to the rule as I did grow up rural but all my friends in town(yes they are also homeschoolers) were so socially active with all the get-togethers, playdates, and field trips, that I was crazy jealous. Socially awkward - what a laugh, those in schools are often stuck in their age groups or 'clicks' but us homeschoolers are so used to talking to everyone(when you have a friend in another homeschooled family you get the whole lot as your friends(from oldest to youngest)and they get yours). Sometimes you go over to play and find your friend hasn't finished their math's and isn't allowed to play. Does this mean you turn around and go home? Absolutely not! You play with one of their siblings or even(shock/horror) pull up a chair and spend your time in the kitchen chatting to their parents. There are so many perks to homeschooling though that I don't know why more people aren't doing it! I have been told by folks I chat to on public transport to write a book about it. Maybe I should. What do you think?