I Know
I know beyond all doubt that God and the Devil exist within us all. They are the yin and yang of our human psyche and we fight a continuous battle as they both fight for control of us.
I know that mankinds greatest achievement is yet to be realised when we finally end war, famine and poverty, and I believe that it will come.
I know that our universe is big, it is almost unimaginably vast and even travelling at the speed of light it would take such a huge amount of time to see it allthat it is very unlikely we will ever see beyond our immediate neighbouring systems in any meaningful detail, and beyond them I doubt we will ever venture.
I know that real, proper, true friends are so damn rare that I count myself so lucky to have just one. If you have just one true friend you should consider yourself fortunate.
I know that love conquers all. Love is blind, deaf and all consuming. Love is the peanut butter in my sandwich, the bubbles that fizz in my mouth when I drink Coke, and the vanilla in my ice cream. Love is our greatest and most powerful emotion and is also the most common thread that binds us all.
I have to finish not on an "I Know" but on an "I Think", and I think:
That the speed of light is not the be and end all it is said to be. I am aware of how clever you have to be to be a scientist or a mathematician, and I recall that it was not all that long ago when they told us that the earth was flat, and that the sun moved around it. I think that the speed of light will be bettered in some amazing discovery yet to come.
I do not think that proposed theories for multiverses and multi realities have any foundations in fact. I think it is all bunkum.
And finally, I think we should stop throwing vast amounts of cash sending vehicles to other planets just so we can say we can do it, and that is a clunky sentence so I apologise here and now for it. Look at it this way, a fish in an ocean does not concern itself with other oceans or seas, it concerns itself with just getting by and I think we would do well to follow its example. Let us better ourselves and our neighbours by investing our taxes in our lives.
Oh, and green is the new black!