Elliott & Adrian
"I'm fine, nothing a little rain can do to a man in crutches, Adrian." Elliott smiled widely to his fiance, shaking his head. Adrian patted Elliott's head.
"I ain't gonna worry about you, loves. I know you can do it." Pulling out a cigarette from his pocket, Elliott waved at Adrian to pull out the matches, who used those old things any way?
"Smoking is bad, Ells. You can die from it." He mumbled, handing him the box. "Back then it was used to medicate those who could not relax." Elliott's voice was gruff as he spoke to him. "It's a bad habit as well."
"Fuc- Goddamn." Adrian screamed in pain, looking at his foot. "I cut myself on glass. I haven't been so tired. I forgot the glass was even there!"
Elliott couldn't help but smile a little as he held his hand out to him.
"Promise me to start sleeping, then I'll stop this bad habit."