A Poetry Reading
I write poetry.
I love spending
My time doing this.
To me, it's like
a chess game,
trying to be many
moves ahead of myself
in my mind,
Only with words
Instead of chess pieces.
Which word
will fit perfectly
after the first,
and the second,
all the way to the end?
Sometimes my first thought
Is how the creation will end up.
Loose ends, all tied together
Like elegant knots.
And with prose poetry,
Stories told
One step at a time,
From start to finish.
I write every day
For myself.
But I crave
Connection as well:
To be understood
To get my thoughts
Out into the Universe
Through my work.
To be read,
To share---
Not only heartache,
But laughter,
And other everyday things
That interest me.
I want to connect,
To unite.
I recently discovered
A few apps, places
Where I can share my work
With other people
All over the planet,
Including the Prose. app.
When my poetry
Is liked, it makes me ecstatic.
But I also love to see
Someone in front of me, a person
Who has just read my poetry, someone
Who shares his reaction
Of my work with me.
I just gave a poetry reading
At my local library.
I read two of my poems,
Prose poems.
I was nervous but excited.
Afterwards a woman came up
To me to say that she really
Liked my reading, my style of writing.
I smiled.
I had made a connection.
We keep in touch
By email and she has shared
Some of her work with me as well.
It makes me happy.
I am thrilled that there are
Outlets for my poetry:
Publishing, writing apps,
Poetry readings, and mostly
Receptive people.
That's why I love
To write poetry.