Symphony of the Soul
You stand before me statuesque
Silhouetted in the moonlight
Your bare form a dark shadow
In the moonlit night air
I drink deep your intoxicating beauty
Then you raise your arms together
A slowly dance in a slow twirl
To some unheard music of the night
Beckoning to me to join you
In your nocturnal waltz of the moon
Together in the moonlight we dance
To music only we can hear
Your warm chest against my skin
Hard tips pressing in
My organ playing & dances to your music
A new tune of its own creation
Felt upon your soft form
The tickle of its keys
Looking in my eyes
Whirling around again
Dropping to your knees
To join this organ in its dance
There in the moonlight
All the stars watching
The organ plays into your hungry symphony hall
Suckling like a hungry baby
Upon a mothers breast
Concerns and stress melt away forgotten
Feeling safe and at home there
Relaxed at peace and very secure
This feeling is so right and pure
Your poetic expression on oral display
If only this singing could last all night and day
Why this act of love completes you
Perhaps you may never really know
But when this organ finally feeds you
There's a sense of gratification
Well being and satisfaction from head to toe
You are the musician and I your instrument
Playing upon this organ your musical pleasures
To play this instrument to its climax
Then feast upon the reward you treasure
Together we play our symphony
Composed together on this instrument of your pleasure
Singing a sweet refrain to treasure
Resounding chords in your throat
When you start to feel that climax approach
The moment those notes of pleasure hit your tongue
Is the moment you finally come
Until the flow of music is done
A symphony in oral pleasure
The music for every release
Beckons you onward to sing a refrain
An orgasmic symphony repeated in every release