Dear Octavian
Dear Octavian,
I'm heading to Antarctica. You know, the place where I've always wanted to go. As a scientist, though, but not a refugee, exiled from my own country. I just wanted reform, a better life, a better government. Apparently we couldn't have it. And when change does come, I won't be there to see it.
If it comes in our lifetime, you'll have to write me. Or not. Because I've been cut off from the outside world. I'll probably die here within a few months, and no one will be there to bury my body, to cry over me, or to even know.
I'll miss the warmth of our native land, the friendly smiles, and the crowded streets. I'll miss the rain and the horseback rides, the dogs and the birds. I'll mainly miss my family, and above all, you.
I don't know if I can live without the people I love if it weren't for the fact that I know you won't forget me. But don't cry for me; you need to move on with your life. Take up the cause I left behind, I beg of you!
It is good-bye for now. Hopefully I will be able to return to my country. I love and miss you all,