Entry for Deck Log 4.36FR Full Report: A Bastard Baby Is Born On The Mothership
The mothership occasionally stopped at interstellar transit ports. These calls usually lasted several days. During a break, the Yardmaster would rush ashore to bring back gifts for his three orphan aliens. Standing at the transporter dock, the orphan aliens waited anxiously for his return and chirped in excitement when they received their trinket gifts.
The ports were typically well run by the local aliens and followed Universal standards. Uniformed crew members transitioned on and off the Universal ships for routine job rotations and hard to get promotions. Some of the transit crew members were hopping ships to recycle back to the earth-moon base.
The Yardmaster looked over his five new replacements. They had been trained since they were children for these highly-specialized positions. Early childhood tests determined their life destiny. Every crew member on the mothership was fulfilling their destiny, and were very happy doing so.
Only occasionally did it not work out. The disgruntled or underperforming crew member was recycled back to the earth-moon base or if they wanted were left to live out their lives at a transit port or on a planet site. Regardless, they typically never found peace until they died because of their lifelong training expectations to serve solely on a Universal ship.
The Yardmaster noticed a slight distracted look in the new 2nd Engineer officer. She was not disrespectful but seemed to have other things on her mind. “Officer Jenkins,” said the Yardmaster, “are you bored with my little introduction?”
“Oh, no sir,” snapped back Jenkins. “I am honored to be here with you and to be on such a well-known ship, sir. I will NOT let you down.”
“Good,” replied the Yardmaster who then continued his orientation talk after which the Captain came in for a few words. The Yardmaster took the new crew to their assigned life-rooms and they began their new work routines.
The new replacements fitted in and functioned as expected. The Yardmaster noticed Officer Jenkins performed her tasks at an exceptional level. He could see why Universal was grooming her to be a Captain someday. He noticed she liked his three alien orphans and saw her playing with them in her spare time in the life center.
The mothership continued on its journey with no mishaps. Finally, one morning, Officer Jenkins asked for some of the Yardmasters time. They stepped into this office. “Is everything satisfactory on the ship, Officer Jenkins?” asked the Yardmaster, “You are doing an exemplary job.”
“Thank you, sir, everything is fine, the crew is outstanding and you have been most helpful to me,” replied Jenkins.
“How can I help you then?” asked the Yardmaster.
Officer Jenkins paused. She had difficulty speaking. The Yardmaster could see she was under great stress and asked her to sit. Based on experience he expected her to blurt out that as an officer she had failed miserably and wanted forgiveness because she had done some small silly thing that was not per exact procedure. The academy needs to tune down their overachieving graduates he thought. “Please, its OK, what is it?” asked the Yardmaster warmly.
Officer Jenkins lowered her head into her hands and tears flowed. She whispered, “I…., I have failed miserably in my responsibilities,” she said. The Yardmaster knew she would say that. “I need your forgiveness because I failed the Captain and the whole ship,” she continued. The Yardmaster knew she would say that also. The Yardmaster gently said, “It’s alright whatever it is.” He had heard it all before. OK, she is now ready to tell me whatever silly thing she did.
She blurted out, “I am pregnant,”
The Yardmaster fell back in his chair. Of all the things the Yardmaster expected her to say, he did not expect her to say this. It was OK for married crew members to get pregnant and have babies on Universal ships. But, it just was not acceptable per Universal life rules for an unmarried Universal crew member to get pregnant during a ship tour, therefore it just did not happen.
“Officer Jenkins, your transfer papers indicate you are single, how could this be?”
Immediately he felt like an idiot. How could it be? Is that what you just asked her? You idiot. Of course, you know how it could be. She obviously knows how it could be.
She didn’t seem to mind the question, it even seemed like she wanted to talk about it. She answered, “I met a Universal officer from another ship at the remote outpost in TK-4.”
The Yardmaster interrupted, “I know that outpost well, it’s a real hell hole. You are lucky you got out of their alive.”
The Yardmaster knew from experience that an outpost could be a dangerous place, but, a remote outpost could be completely lawless, and remote outpost TK-4 was one of the worse of them all. These remote outposts were home to the filth of the universe: shadow people, outlaws, mercenaries, alien vagabonds, humanoids, and even some synthetics. He should know as he had grown up on one. He was surprised to hear two Universal ships were there at the same time, that was very rare. Something special was going on. If so, they would have brought in their specially trained seeker teams.
He snapped back from his thoughts. “Please continue,” he said.
“He was very dynamic. But he was not my type. As we talked into the evening I just could not leave, and surprisingly I began losing all my inhibitions. That has never happened to me before. I wanted to leave, but I couldn’t. It was so strange. I don’t remember much else. Now, …. here I am talking to you. I take full responsibility for my actions.”
“Why didn’t you and this officer get married?” asked the Yardmaster.
“Even if I could, I wouldn’t, I don’t love him, he is not even my type,” said Jenkins.
The Yardmaster was quiet. This was not good for Officer Jenkins. A century of space travel had led to conservative life rules for Universal ships. Marriage was an institutional necessity to keep order amongst mixed sex crew confined to live most of their lives together inside essentially a large city block surrounded by walls hurtling through space. Having a baby out of wedlock and out of marriage could very easily knock the whole system out of whack, which could not be allowed to happen on a ship deep in space.
“Officer Jenkins, what is this officer’s name?” asked the Yardmaster.
“I don’t know, that’s just it, when I checked, the name he gave me was not on the other ship’s crew list,” she said.
The Yardmaster was not surprised to hear that. He knew that not all was what it seemed to be at these remote outposts. This is where a lot of cloak and dagger activities went on out of sight of the established space community. This ‘officer’ she met sounded like a high-level persuader brought in for secret negotiations. As a boy, he had watched them practice their skills of persuasion by seducing Universal officers, men or women. Jenkins would be a tough nut to crack, she was probably targeted by one of their best. This officer probably wasn’t even Universal but a mercenary. He would have to do some digging around later.
The Yardmaster knew she had already made a very important life decision just because they were now sitting here talking about this situation. “Do you want to expel the baby?” he asked, suspecting the answer based on the fact she had not already done so.
She teared up, “At first I was going to, but, I keep thinking about it, and I just could not do it.”
“You can still do it, only you and I would know,” said the Yardmaster. “If you don’t, your career will be finished on a Universal ship.” What a terrible choice thought the Yardmaster. Her whole life has been dedicated to serve on a Universal ship.
There was still an easy way out of this dilemma. A simple pill, a sick day in her life-room and then she would be back at the controls and no one would ever know. The Yardmaster knew the ‘easy’ option was always chosen in this situation, but, was never openly discussed with commanders like they were doing now. He only knew of one unmarried woman who had a baby who was quickly recycled back to the earth-moon base.
The Yardmaster could see her distress. He spoke gently, “Listen Officer Jenkins. Actions have consequences. That’s a basic Universal tenet. In this case this action, for whatever the reason, has lives consequences, not just a life, but lives, do you understand?”
She looked at him intently. “Yes sir,” she said, “If I only thought of my career, then I would quickly choose to expel.” She wiped a tear from her face. She continued, “But, it will also affect the life of my unborn baby.”
“Yes,” said the Yardmaster. “And not just your baby’s life, your decision will have a rippling effect on many future lives too, on people who will someday come to know your baby, or if you expel, on who will not get to know and be impacted by your baby.”
“Yes, you are correct,” nodded Jenkins.
“If you expel, you will someday be a Captain, but, you will always wonder what your baby would have done with its life for the rest of your life.” The Yardmaster leaned forward, “But, if you keep the baby, he will have its own life, and you will forever be part of it, but, you will lose your life’s goal. Both decisions have a great consequence to you.”
She slowly answered, “Yes, and great consequences to my baby, and to many others.”
She had been trained to assess problems, look at the action options and their consequences, then to decide, act, and to not look back but to go on to the next challenge. The Yardmaster could see she had selected her action option.
“I will not expel this baby,” she said firmly. “I will not take its life for what happened to me.”
The Yardmaster admired her for her convictions. He did not believe she had full control over her actions at the remote outpost but would not tell her that unless he was sure of it. Now she was left to carry this heavy package, all alone. He knew she was going to have difficult times ahead. He also believed she would be a wonderful mother and would somehow overcome and make a good life for her and her baby. He also sensed there was something special about this baby.
Time went by quickly and soon the baby was born on the mothership. It was a beautiful boy. Most of the crew accepted the baby. The three orphaned aliens absolutely loved the baby and hovered around him constantly, purring and softly chirping. The child aliens and their spacecat even seemed able to communicate with the baby. The Yardmaster loved watching the child aliens, Officer Jenkins and the baby played together with the spacecat brushing up against their legs. The spacecat liked to drag its long blue hair along the baby’s face to make the baby smile, then they all would laugh. The Yardmaster sometimes let his guard down and joined them in the fun.
Some of the crew did not take so kindly to Officer Jenkins and her baby. Most were quiet with their thoughts. Some looked at her in disdain and whispered ‘bastard baby’ when they walked by. After all, she had broken strict rules they all had to live by. She would have suffered worse treatment but the crew realized she had the protection of the Yardmaster.
The sad day finally came when the mothership arrived at the next transit port. It was time for Officer Jenkins and her baby to depart. The Yardmaster had inwardly been dreading this day more and more as they approached the transit port.
When they were ready to leave, the Yardmaster spoke to Officer Jenkins for the last time, “Officer Jenkins I only know of one other mother who made the same choice you did.”
Jenkins was surprised to hear that. She thought she was the first.
“She was slated to be a Captain, but, she chose to give that dream up. She gave birth to her baby at a remote outpost. They called the baby a bastard. The ‘Bastard Baby of Post 71’.”
“That’s terrible,” said Jenkins, “What happened to them?”
“They eventually recycled back to the earth-moon base. They suffered shame, struggled to survive, but, she was determined that her baby was going to be successful.”
“She sacrificed a lot,” said Jenkins.
“Yes, just like you,” said the Yardmaster.
“What happened next?” asked Jenkins.
“Well, would you believe it, that bastard baby grew up and excelled at everything he did. Finally, he got himself assigned to Federal gun ships, fought bravely in the Arora wars, received numerous war promotions, then eventually became an officer on a traveler ship.”
“That is incredible,” said Jenkins, “I want that for my baby. I would love to have met that man.”
The Yardmaster stared at her and didn’t say anything, a tear rolled out of his eye.
She gazed upward at him.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. Then she realized it, “Was that baby you?”
The Yardmaster nodded, “Yes, ‘The Bastard of Post 71’, in person.” He bowed and smiled slightly.
She continued to stare at him, slowly taking in this surprising new information. She wondered if that was why he had been so kind to her. In her heart, she did not let her herself hope there was another reason.
The Yardmaster said, “I have often been called a mean old bastard and a son of a bitch. It never bothered me because I knew they were just speaking the absolute truth.” He laughed.
Officer Jenkins smiled. “What happened to your mother?” she asked.
“She died a very happy old woman who knew she made the right decision many years ago,” he said.
She stared at him. Then she hugged him. She stepped backed and apologized for hugging him. Then she thanked him and said she would never forget him. The Yardmaster sadly knew he would never see them again and said the same. She sharply stood at attention, clicked her heels together, and saluted, the Yardmaster did the same.
She walked towards the transporter dock and then stopped and held the baby up for him to see one more time, she had tears in her eyes, the baby gurgled and smiled. The Yardmaster had tears in his eyes as he raised his hand. The Yardmaster’s heart was breaking. She turned and walked to the dock and got in line to depart off the ship. Other crew members were there helping. In the background a low hum was interrupted by a short loud swoosh sound as people exited through the dock. The line was moving quickly, Officer Jenkins turn was next.
The Yardmaster's hand clinched the rail tightly as he remained at attention watching. He had bravely fought many battles in the Aroras, but, he was more scared now than ever in his life. His lower lip quivered. Then suddenly he took a deep breath and briskly walked forward a few steps, stopped, and hollered out loud, "STOP, Officer Jenkins, stop."
All movement in the transporter dock came to a sudden halt as the puzzled crew personnel turned to look at the Yardmaster and back at Officer Jenkins with her baby. She stopped without looking back at him and lowered her head and waited. Then, in a much softer and kinder voice he asked, “Officer Jenkins, will you marry me.”
Silence filled the dock. She stood perfectly still, everyone was watching, then slowly she turned and looked at him, she stood there so alone, then in a soft gentle voice she slowly gave her answer. Her answer of yes or no would one day impact galaxies.
This story continues in the next Deck Log Report.
Reader, thank you for reading. If you want to know how the orphan aliens and the spacecat got on the mothership, then please read the other Deck Log Reports in my profile. Thank you, DW
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