Magic Mirror
Magic Mirror on the Wall
Can you see her smile wide
Lips as red as fresh blood
Hair as black as night
Skin as white as ice
Her eyes, lifeless and stale
Through the trees her voice is heard
Shrill and foul it cuts the air
Magic Mirror in my Hand
Reveal to me her plan
Show me where she lies
For against her I must fight
With a magic spell to guide the way
The kingdom's finest at my call
Seven hills of jewels to cross
To the land beyond the seventh fall
Magic Mirror Talk and Sleek
Tell me do you see her
As she commands the beasts of the land
By her hand innocents turn
Feathers of blue stained red
My knights bravely fight
As the deer trample the dead underfoot
Her laugh shakes the night
Magic Mirror by my Side
What can you tell me that I do not see
My kingdom in ruins at her hand
Destruction beyond the horizon
Abandoned by all but you
If you were free
Untethered from my spell
Would you too have forsaken me
Magic Mirror Shattered on the Floor
Did you see the inevitable
Was our fate known by you
Could you see what would one day be
Were you still sentient
Aware and alive
When my heart was taken
My chest torn wide
Magic Mirror Now Hers
Do you remember me
The one who loved you
Who always wanted you near
Do you think of me
When you answer her plea
Fairest in the land
Was never me