Tesla Apple.
A self-driving solar and plug-in electric small RV made entirely of lightweight materials to keep power consumption low. Unlike most RVs which are designed for a whole family to use for a weekend, this is designed for one person to have as their full-time home.
Since it is self-driving, it can take you where you want to go while you are sleeping, eating, using the computer or watching a show.
The roof would also gather rainwater, pass it through an internal distiller, to use in the sink and shower. Water from the sink and shower is then used in the toilet. Refuge from the toilet is dried so the remains are free of smells, and can easily be disposed of to nourish any plant life. It would not need to be hooked up to a RV park unless it has not been raining enough.
No power bills, no water bills, no property taxes, no rent, no homeowner's association fees!