Write automatically and describe who you really are, without referencing your physical appearance, job, traits, ethics, possessions, achievements, beliefs or environment.
And good luck with that ;)
Me thinks.
The universal question. Who am I? What am I may be more appropriate. A speck on a speck on a speck on a speck - of land, planet, universe, infinity. I breathe, I eat, I sleep, I love, I play, I blink, I cry, I laugh, I wonder. I wonder.
Where will "I" end up? Not next week, not next year. Forget time. It's relative and non-existent, concomitantly. My body will fail, my energy will evolve. Into what? Into where? With anyone? Will I even be aware? Will I have conscious thoughts as similar as I perceive I have now?
The great beyond - or darkness - leaves us all wondering yet will welcome us all. Some days I'm curious. Others I'm scared. Others I'm acceptingly calm.
I'm a thinker.