The Good Book
The Good Book says all boys must lose their foreskins, as a sacrafice to God. Therefore, all newborn boys' tiny penises are placed under a knife and sliced into until a small piece of skin is produced, all while blood pools and babies wail.
The Good Book says women during their bleeding times are dirty and must be shunned. Therefore, women sleep in holes during their time of the month where they remain until the bleeding ends.
The Good Book says that a man must marry a woman, and must reproduce. Therefore, when those of the same gender are in love, they must be shunned, stoned, segregated to preserve the sanctity of marriage.
The Good Book says that non-believers are sinners. That they must be persuaded to join the faith or die. Therefore, people have set up large organizations to convert the world, using food, water, and shelter as leverage to force those in need into joining their religion.
The Good Book speaks of a man named Jesus, who preached of love and acceptance. Of forgiving your neigherbor and inviting your enemies to dine with you. But, his followers were silent and chose to pursue parts of the Good Book that perhaps aren't so good.