Where Are You?
Friends weren't something
That I ever came easily by, and so
I spent my summer days alone,
Climbing trees and walking our dog
And playing in sprinklers,
Each summer getting lonelier and lonelier.
There were friends, sure, that I met
Once a year at camp and that was it,
And I had my siblings, but they got
Jobs and once again I was climbing trees
And playing in sprinklers, and walking our dog,
Alone and by myself, wishing that,
Even though I was too old for it,
That there was someone to draw with
Sidewalk chalk, and jump in puddles with,
And ride bikes, and giggle over cute guys
And make music with, or to hike in the woods
And get lost. But no one ever came to me,
And even today, I find that though there are
Those that I call occasionally and talk to, but
They are much older than me and live
Many miles away, so I sit and watch ripples
On the water, the waves in the grass, and
The sun set