they’ll never understand
they'll never understand
that my heart rate can go up to 120 bpm
without even lifting a finger
that i'm always shaking, sitting up straight
feeling as if the strings that hold me will all break
all the ties i've made, all the friends i've tried to keep,
will leave me and I'll be alone alone alone
just me and my words
they'll never understand
that even though breathing is a natural instinctive thing,
sometimes i forget how to
and my lungs implode
and i feel like i'm going to collapse, right here and right now
they'll never understand
that this can come from anything, anywhere
it's not because of my situation at home
i don't have ptsd
they'll never understand
that my thoughts spill out so fast that sometimes
i have no idea what is happening around me
and i shut it all out, and i can, and i will
if need be