Just A Body
She shivers on the bed
But he couldn’t care less.
No point in putting on more clothes
When they’re coming right off.
No crawling under warm blankets
When he paid to see her, all of her,
A fourteen-year-old girl.
The sixth man today,
Each one stealing a piece of her.
He smells like the rest of them,
Like sweat and stale cigars.
The odor now lingered in the room,
Even when they were gone.
She stares at the ceiling
While he has his way with her.
Counts the water-stained tiles,
The cracks in the walls,
The holes in the blanket.
She’s watched this room fall apart over time
But it’s the only one she’ll use,
The only choice she’s allowed to make.
She wanted high school, prom, football games,
A real job to make money of her own.
But she makes money for her new daddy
With a body that’s no longer her own.