It's funny how we take steps
Away from the ones we love, nudging them quietly toward our periphery.
We use time and space to create distance, unbridgeable gaps
As if to say "See? You don't know me so well
After all."
Yet we sadden when no one understands, we feel alone
Which is what we thought we wanted-
Enough space to swing our arms
And not hit anyone.
We give and love, briefly,
Long enough to notice this lover is not worthy of such giving and loving.
We use words and their absence to create distance, taking untraceable steps
Farther and farther away.
Still, we miss hands to hold, knowing glances
And a protective, possessive arm around us.
We have shaken it free and now dance
Without a partner or an audience
to compromise us.
So the question arises:
What to do with all this space?
It could seat several comfortably,
Leave room for entertaining guests, hell,
We could fit a king in a bed this size.
But there is no king, no guests, no several sitting,
Talking amongst themselves. Nobody
But us, making hollow-heeled echoes in our empty space
That bother no one
But us.