Oh Jeez.
Two in a row. Get your ducks in a row. Quack Quack. Duck! Watch out! You're on the watch and they're watching you. Tick tock, inside the arctic, oh snap, where was I? I've really got to snap out of it. Snap crackle and pop. The Rice is getting Krispy but the cream is so delicious. Doh. I'm a nutcase, getting nutter buttered up in this bowl of others. Ah well, its all right. Not left. Veering off course, of course. Teeter totter, see saw, I said, we're having a merry time, on this merry go round. There goes that half again. What's left? What's left got to say about all this? Eye roll. I roll the dice, don't think twice its all right. Intuition. Ohhhh snap. Tuition. Ohhhh crap. Insanity, naw. Get off the map. Think outside of the box. Yeah that's Saturn's cube to you. Phew. For a second I thought I was going crazy there. Maybe I still am. At least I'm going somewhere. Is there anything better than here? Oh deer. I was fawning over an alternate future. But my predictions calculate something to do with karma, sutures. Like we've been wounded. Pierced by the fear spear, now we're bleeding our hearts out on to this fake sphere. I'd rather spill my blood over my intent. In this tent, on this plane. Now I've gone crazy Jane, someone actually get me off this plane. I can't see any curve! Help. Tell me its going to be all right. But then again if its all right, what happened to left? Is there anything left?
For a moment in time, I had to rewind. To let myself go on a loop. Madness permeates all rationality. For it is our right brain that truly controls the show. We try to manage time and put water into boxes but its really all just flowing out. Time is just the boxing of the eternal stream of consciousness. I see you Sophia. I feel you. I hear you. In the moment, I can't think, but thats the point, because I'm still doing something. Something is coming through me. And it really likes to rhyme and reference itself. I really can't help it. But maybe I can help myself. Because I.T. is going to be alright. I.T. is what created us and She knows what she's doing. She's been here before. And if you're trying to score, trying to get it in, you better make your intent clear. Oh deer. There I go again, rhyming and such. Is there anyway to make this less Shakespearean. How art I must thou go again and put thy pen upon the sheet and blah blah blah.
If this is the musing of a schizophrenic, I'm watching myself do it. So who is the person watching the schizophrenic, is that person also schizophrenic. I better not find out.
We're all going to crack up one day. Hulk smash! Jokers really crack me up too. Thats a 10-4 message received. We've just got to re-member to put the pieces back together after we all have a good laugh about I.T. For Christ's sake, is anyone listening to me? Is anyone out there? Is it just me in here?
Phew. Glad that wasn't the case. But this is a brief-case. I'm in it for the long case. So I'll keep this brief. My mind wants out. My heart is like, yo its cool, keep e-motioning, because as long as your in motion your brain can only do so much, which is just what its supposed to do right now while we work things out. The internet is a crazy place its the Wild Wild West. The world wide web. Trappin' us in Indra's net. It's a trap! The hall of mirrors, in the palace of wonders. Just remember, remember, how to get back to Kansas. Because those red shoes aren't taking you anywhere except up and down stairs. If you can remember which way is up and which way is down. No clowning around here. This is Sirius. This is getting really heavy and deep, and we're going under. What a Titanic discovery, that all of this, literally all of this, is, is a stage. Oh jeez. Its a what? A stage. Yeah you can't escape that realization. You're acting every day until the curtain raises, and then what will we be doing? Acting? Oh snap! Oh gosh, golly, oh my dear, oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh........Sophia! Thank you.