Words. Thoughts. Words. Thoughts. Words?! Thoughts?! I began to cry. Everything was incomprehensible. I wasn't able to move forward because the assignment of meaning overwhelmed me. Thoughts were simply words, while words were nothing but letters which someone decided had meaning. Was every sentence a string of labels ironically equating to nothing? I began to sob. The emotions washing over me nearly drown me. I no longer possessed the ability to do anything other than feel. I waded through them until another word besides 'words' or 'thoughts' blossomed inside my head. I sighed and thought the word relief. I cherished my ability to identify the emotion. I found comfort in my aptitude to communicate, even if it all was within my mind and to myself. The suppression of language subsided and I was able to transcend back to expression. Words are not an empty vessel used to postulate thought. Words are the tools our minds use to create and define our thoughts. They are our paint brush, our computer, our hammer, and our weapon. I wiped my eyes. I considered them again and thought the words with gratitude. Words. Thoughts.