Old photographs
Collecting in moldy cardboard boxes
Their edges beginning to crinkle
Their pictures fading to yellow
And thinning
So when you pick them up
To look at them
They are slightly transparent.
Old words
Like a full hard drive
Or a long-forgotten notebook
Conversations long gone
Thrown into a metaphorical wastebasket
Crumpled up
Never to be seen again
They dissolve
Letter by letter
And sentence by sentence.
Old colors
That slowly fade
So when you look at them
You think
That they don't seem so bright anymore
The feelings they used to bring
No longer coming
Until maybe they didn't happen
Until it definitely seems
No, feels that they happened
To another person
Because you've grown past them.
My head is full of dust
And boxes of moldy pictures
And disintegrating words
And fading colors
Cobwebs hang in the corners
And dust coats the floor
Until I reach into my head
And pull out an old photograph
Or word or color
And then I can relive it.
After all
They are what makes me
My adventures
My friendships
My work
My life
And I will always keep them safe
Stuffed in a box
In the back of my brain.
I will add new pictures
Until the old ones disappear into the bottom
So far down
I won't even be able to wade
Through the new ones to reach them
Forgotten and discarded
Because I can only hold so much
Inside my head.