You make me your canvas of colors
Your hands are brush strokes in smooth ribbons
Painting me in painterly of delicate welts and longing
And my body become as -
Shakespeare's aubergine - lavender - pale magenta - amethyst
Tudor's ruby - dusky fuchsia - warm hyacinth - amaranthine
You paint me in painterly of gentle batters and yearning
And my body become as -
Highlands heather - jacaranda - autumn mauve - oak wheat
Tuscan terracotta - desert russet - fire copper - antique wine
You make me your canvas of colors
Your hands are brush strokes of thick dollops
You paint me in painterly of treasure marks and invocation
And my body become as -
Sienna gold - willow yellow - jasmine sand - sherbet creme
Persian blue - soft sapphire - tender turquoise - pearl gray
You paint me in painterly of precious stripes and adoration
And my body become as -
Spring green - pine emerald - tan chartreuse - olive sage
Sun vermillion - peach coral - crimson scarlet - burgundy
You make me your canvas of colors
Your hands are brush strokes of vivid desire and mirror magic
Your hands are brush strokes of flaming passion and liquid love
I become glabrous and golden as opulent Siberian silks
I become mystical and ethereal as rays on Shiraz roses
I become bright and glorious as a rainbow in sunlight
I become luminous and classic as the glow of moonlight
My body - a written poetry summoned into creation
My body - a dancing masterpiece captured in motion
My body - a love art frozen for blossoming devotion
You paint me Yours
You paint me young
You paint me beautiful
You paint me eternal