The Writer’s Dilemma-I Love Writing-I Just Hate to Write
Allyson it is quite simple. First, pick up three books you have read that captured you from start to finish. Next, ask yourself why? "Why do I or did I like these books." What did the author do for me that made me turn the next page and the next? Did I yell at the protagonist to not do something stupid? Did I hate the antagonist? Was it a love story, a crime thriller, a comedy? These are your silent professors. Don't plagiarize, emulate.
When you can answer those questions you begin. Sit down and write, and write, and write, and write. Take a ten minute break then write, and write, and write some more. When you stop writing, read, and read, and read.
If for some reason all this is laborious that does not mean you are not a writer it just means currently writing is not something you enjoy.
All that being said, if you truly want to be a writer never stop learning, never stop improving, and damn it, never stop writing.
Good luck!