A jar of coins
A Jar of Coins
I had a jar of coins placed in the bottom cupboard as a child.
I wanted to move away from Ohio to Arizona where it was warm
because our old farmhouse was very cold.
I collected long neck brown Buckeye beer bottles and soda pop bottles and saved the money.
I picked red raspberries by standing on an old galvanized pail because I was too small to
reach the tops of the bushes then I sold them to neighbors for twenty five cents a basket.
Old lady Dolan complained to my Ma that I stuffed paper in the bottom of the basket and
cheated her...but I explained to Ma that it was just a small sheet of papers that I placed
there so the berries would not fall out the basket. this was the time before paper towels
or green plastic berry baskets. I saved this money also.
One day I came home from school and saw I had no coins in the jar.
I asked Ma and she said she took it for food.
Both my parents worked and I thought it unfair that my saved money
was used without my permission ...I would have given it to them if they had asked...
I never saved money from that day on unless I hid it outside buried under a rock.
© 2013 Julia A Knaake