That’s why I don’t like her.
It's my second year under your leadership.
My morning routine goes as it it. I woke up, wash my face, eat my breakfast, took a bath, went to work.
I never knew when it started really,
Or if it has always been there and I was just too blind to see for I thought I knew you.
I have always the feeling of being off. I never knew what I did or said for you to treat me this way.
Like I'm a scumbag, a nuisance, someone who's not welcome in my own comfort zone.
I don't know what I did.
I was just taking a rest yeah I am sitting on one of the chairs, resting my legs from my heels.
I was in my uniform with no one to entertain.
One of your minions came to you whispered something to you probably about me.
Then you turned your back on me and faked whispered "that's why I don't like her". Is it because I'm resting my feet? Or because you can't control me like the others?
Or most probably you don't want me because I know my rights which you selfishly keeping for yourself.
The feeling is mutual anyway.