Invocation of the Master
In the Darkness burns the Brightest Sun,
The middle of February has just begun,
I call upon the God of Life and Ages,
The Master of Death and Sages:
Come unto me, this I command.
I call upon the power of the Seas and Land,
The Four Elements wilt combine
To sway to the will that is mine:
Bring unto me this Lord of Time,
I call down the lavender Moon into my sublime:
Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, and Ashtart,
Aradia, Arianrhod, Artemis, and Artio.
Astarte, Aurora, Bast, and Brigid.
Cerridwen, Demeter, Diana, and Dryads.
Epona, Eos, Fortuna, Flora, and Freya.
Hathor, Hecate, Hera, Hestia, and Inanna.
Vesta, Lilith, Maat, Morrigan and The Muses.
Nephtys, the Norns, Nuit, Persephone, and Selene.
I call unto thee, Isis.
I call unto the goddesses all: possess me!
I call down the Sun into my sublime:
Amon Re, Adonis, Anubis, Apollo and Cernunnos.
Dionysus, Dagda, Eros, Horus, and Hymen.
Strega, Odin, Zeus, Pan, and Poseidon.
Ptah, Thor, and Thoth.
I call unto thee, Osiris.
I call unto the gods all: possess me.
By my blood, and by my ken,
I invoke thee!"