Scotty Boy
They call him Scotty Boy. That's because he's Chinese and Irish (if you couldn't tell they got the "Scotty" part from the Irish). His birth name is Yingjie, but most people wouldn't know who you meant if you used that name. They call him Scotty Boy. His hair is black and thick, flowing straight, just slightly past his shoulders, but he always wears it in a ponytail. And he always wore it under is favorite hat: a swamp green newsboy cap. He's slightly tan from his mother's side. And then there was a thin layer of dirt over him that made him seem a little darker. He was always on the streets of Brooklyn. That's where he loved to be. He's only 17. He got some height on his father's side and appears older. As much youth male culture goes, he likes to fight. He prefers friends over loves. In his own gritty, mixed-race, disobedient, street-wise ways, he is beautiful.