A Romantic’s Tool
It always begins with a surge of emotion—love, despair, grief, and so on. It requires a passionate heart, but an experienced mind.
Poetry, is manifesting one's inner self and giving structure to it. Poetry can be the words you're afraid to express in person; or it can be the voice—the real voice; the you that speaks with strength, and power.
If a genuine poet is what you are, then surely you've come to realize that it is/was never your hobby, but a necessity. Hence, why the words fall onto the page as natural as ever. This would be the period where writing transitions perfunctorily into pure expression. What you feel in those moments—the emotions, themselves—will be stripped to their rawest form. And you wonder whether the reader can truly sympathize, or empathize.
The question, "Can they see, as you feel?" arises.
Being brave, is what defines poetry.