in HIS Hands.
Who am I but a human.
The wind doesn't bow in my name and the sun doesn't ask for my permission to rise and shine.
I am but a sailor at sea who controls the sails, against and with the sea of life.
The miracle of my existence and the awe that I am still even here is because of a greater power.
The Power.
The one who not only controls the sea, but made the sea. Every storm architected for my good if only I trust in HIM.
God controls my life, teaching me to trust him in every plot twist. The author who made me an author.
The God who made me a god.
The life that made me live.
The control that allows me to control.
So I write with the ink form His pen, Shine with the light He bestowed me, Live by the life bought with the blood of the Lord, and control by the control HE undoubtedly has over every situation.
God controls my Life.