April showers bring May flowers, at least that's what my mother used to tell me. You see...April was my aunt who used to babysit me when I was a youngin'. "A growin' boy with promise", my Aunt April would whisper as she tucked me into bed. Her hair was golden yellow, like flowers, I always thought. She grew them biggin' sun flowers outside by her front porch. I would swing right o'er them on her porch swing when mama drove away in her beattle. I know it looks like I did it officer...but Aunt April told me everything would be okay. I was her boy, she said, always her boy. She said that she would always be there for me and that I had to be there for her. You see, mama tried running o'er them flowers o'er by that porch one day and I knew it wasn't right. I tried stoppin' her, cause I was scared if she ran o'er them flowers Aunt April would be mad at me again. I had to stop her from killin' those flowers, officer. It was only right. And that officer, is why I had to murder my mama.