Worst day ever. . . .
Honestly, I can’t place it.
It’s almost always the most recent
as all others are melted by
softened by
and lost to
whimsical thoughts.
Time does not heal.
It simply allows room to lay down
new memories
and experiences.
How can we possibly store everything from every experience in our
feeble minds?
Even the details of how we were potty trained are lost,
soon replaced by the details of how we learned to fight off that
first bully,
how we overcame childhood cancer,
how we learned to ride a bike and take a fall,
and the extreme pain of rejection from our
first love.
The worst day ever?
It’s always our most recent trauma,
because that alone demands immediate focus to contend with it,
soften its blow,
and allow us to absorb and later implement the
lessons learned.
The worst day ever is always yet to come. . . .