I oppose my opponents and dispose of those that don't know the doses I suppose don't show and flow unnoticed, such as roses show off poses to dispose thoughts that oppose it, goes to show that those who are slow and those who don't know what's unnoticed won't suppose that there are those that put on shows and poses, as does the rose. My opponents I oppose can't disclose with with such a flow that that I have shown I'm quite a pro, I know, that I go on with my own show so listen, those who I oppose, I always notice, always focus, like the locust rises over that which tries to dispose it. So go tell what you've noticed and oppose those known opponents and show that you're no rose that shall pose and prose for shows, so suppose you go like Moses for he opposed the flow that blows. Those who don't oppose but know that though opponents go and close the prose and slow us we still chose no rose to show us.