Womanhood in the negative.
Make me big, make me small, let my body contort to suit you all. Tan me up, bleach me pale, put me anywhere on the scale because of course my body is all about you. Dye my hair, blue, blonde, black, ombre, white, red, green, die my hair until it all falls out, then give me a shout I'm being trendy apparently, what with all these things you've done to me. My freckles are out, cover them in nudes, my curls are out singe them thin and straight. My clothes are out of date, give me something whose name is so loud I have to sacrifice my own to wear it. Give me something skimpy something small, because why would it matter if I'm comfortable at all. Don't be too easy, Whore. Don't be such a Prude. Don't say anything when he touches you when you don't want. Ignore the comments on the streets. Ignore being called gay because you turn men away. Don't bother reporting that sexual harassment, dressing that way means you deserve it, means you were secretly asking for it. You're straight right, then of course you wanted the attention . It couldn't possibly be that you aren't interested in me. After all, a woman must be in want of a man. A woman must but be in want of husband. A woman must be, because society says so, and no matter how many freedom rallies to which we go, it seems there will always be a portion of society that thinks so. That thinks there is a certain way a woman MUST go.