Faith is one of the most elusive words in the English language. It promises nothing yet it is a firm belief in things unseen. It almost disturbs me, we are factual people with more confidence in probability. Faith is the sideline cheerleader of the improbable at times.
Based on the definition, "believing in things unseen," I love the word.
I fear that it is overused, misused, to imply things will go your way if you have it.
Faith has changed my life by experiencing it, but I must explain it is a spiritual word. It should not be thrown around in everyday conversation by people who don't really understand it. That is too often practiced in today's society.
I suggest there is a recipe for faith. Understand it is a belief in things unseen. Know that it is a relative of hope and fueled by love. It is a form of letting go and letting God, yet it hangs around with hope.
Faith is not for beginners. It has changed my life in that I believe in what the heavens tell me. It never lets me down. I may have to be patient, but the correct outcome or circumstance presents itself time and time again because of faith.
So, I'm affected by it in knowing things will be as they are supposed to be in my life. Every experience is a teacher. Faith is the fuel to the fire of life in me.