There’s Nothing Better Than Night.
The moon and stars lighting up the night sky. The amazing, everlasting silence. The beautiful darkness. If I could, I would just get up and run. Run away, run through the night. There's just something about the darkness, the cool air that intrigues me, makes me happy.
The night is revealing. Sitting in the dark, alone, with no one but yourself and the world around you, the silence, you can discover truths about yourself that may normally be hidden in the day.
The stars and moon will forever be my best friends. The dark holds secrets the daytime will never know. It comforts me, keeps me company. If I could, I would run into the night. I would hide away during the day, and the night would become my guardian. Because the night cared for me when no one else did. The night is a gift, beautiful and eternal.
There's nothing better than the night.