An Apple
Logic: Looks like an apple, tastes like an apple, is an apple. A nutritional food source.
Faith: A gift in the form of an apple. Tastes divine, gifted from a living being, a tree, enhanced with flavors of life, created by the Divine for savoring and nutrition. Implanted with seeds to be planted, to keep the gift of creation going. A miracle, perfection.
Faith is a viewpoint unclouded with logic, fears or negativity. Faith enhances the bigger picture where logic minimizes it down with blunt force trauma.
Faith is opulent sensual underwear, worn for the delight of feel, the sensual experience, blessed with the knowledge of love.
Logic is tighty whiteys, pristine, practical, with no expectations nor hope of expectations.
Faith is not rose colored glasses that logic scoffs at with patronizing pointlessness of the intangible. While Faith is breathed in, embedded with love in the depths of your soul, it is not dramatic, emotive, flowers and 70's love child music. Faith is in being a part of something you live for in your heart, to the depths of your soul, a presence beside and within you. A concept, logic in it's black and white ideology, cannot comprehend nor quantify as it is invisible to its judgmental eyes.
Logic: It's just a damn apple, give it a rest.
Faith: Want a bite?