Talk someone out of suicide
What would you tell your child, friend, family member, etc if they came to you saying they were suicidal? Some people don't have anyone to turn to so let's give them a place for some hope.
One rule: No negativity. Suicide isn't a joke and it's not something to be ashamed of or made fun of.
Sit Down
Sit down with your mother. I'm not going to tell you to talk to her. I'm going to do worse. Take that knife, that gun, those downers, and cut her, shoot her, shove those pills down her throat. Now, take your father aside, your brother, your sister or wife or lover, and do the same to each and every person that cares for you. This, this is what you are doing when you take your life. Your pain ends, becomes theirs, for the rest of their lives. You are not taking the easy way out. You will not just end your life, but the lives of those that hold you dear. If you cannot be strong for you, do it for someone else.
I'm not sorry, but trust me, you will regret it and it will be too late.
Sit down.