Ass-clowns to the left of me...jokers to the right...
There are only two types of people it's OK to kill in video games and movies, where it's not considered offensive:
Nazis and Zombies.
Ever wonder why? Let's examine this suspension of sensibilities, shall we? Zombies are dead already, so killing them only impacts you--keeps you from being eaten, besides the fact that killing them is redundant. On another but similar level, Nazis have already lost their souls, so the horrible fates they suffer in video games and movies is irrelevant to the human condition.
Zombies are dead and want to eat you alive to make you dead too. Nazis are soul-dead and want to eat your soul to make you soul-dead, too. Their thinking is purely amygdaloid. They make a big deal about us vs. them in their pseudophilosophy. The videos games and movies that kill them are just making them "them," for us.
(I wonder how they like being "them"?)
Now, I'm not condoning harming anyone--alive, that is. Zombies are fair game. But Nazis are just soul-bereft anachronisms who should be simply ignored. Counter-demonstrating against them is announcing that they matter. They mattered...THE FIRST TIME...but they don't matter now, because they come with the 20/20 retrospective of history. And that history says that anyone who resurrects such mind sets as supremacy, the Confederacy, eugenics, segregation, and...I could go on and on for lessons learned...anyone who resurrects any mistake of historical proportions as a pretty good idea is an ass-clown.
I went to LSU with David Duke. I would listen to this charming ass-clown at Free Speech Alley every Wednesday just so I could be aware of the sugar handed out that causes mental cavities.
I have bumped into many ass-clowns in my life. Political ones, religious ones, health-fanatic ones. And yes, even Nazi ones. You can't fight them, because you'd have to get on their own turf to do that. You can't argue with doubletalk. They use phrases like, "The record clearly shows..." and "It's been proven that..." They use tangential logic. You can't fight them, I can't fight them.
As with any ass-clowns, I just ignore them and get on with my life. Why should Nazis be any different than all the other ass-clowns that cross my path? Don't counter-demonstrate against ass-clowns; don't give them press; and for God's sake, don't make them "Breaking News!" That makes you another kind of ass-clown. Don't let them deserve this attention. And don't confuse ignoring them with silence. It is a message loud and clear. It is a weapon.
They are self-parody. And at their very essence, they are scatological--that's why they're ass-clowns and not just clowns, who are pretty creepy to begin with. It's OK to kill Zombies. It's not OK to kill anyone else.