You, dying.
It's more than living, you tell me.
It's dying. Not just dying. Not just empty.
Dying fantastically. Dying in the gayest way possible.
Dying your way. Dying when you choose.
Dying as you and not as what they made you into.
Dying before tenth grade because you can't take one more day of math class.
Dying right before my eyes, dying alone.
Telling me you will. Any moment now.
Telling me late at night. Then waking up in the morning alive and cursing it.
You'll really do it this time, you say.
Get help or I will, I reply.
You don't reply. I imagine you sitting there wondering
If these will be your last moments of living
And thinking them to be glorious. It's 11:11pm and we're wide awake
And you tell me you're making a wish to die
In the most glorious and beautiful way possible
While I am wishing that your wish won't come true.
It will.