almost too much, by the looks of those around me... bewildered + angry.
asking myself as always, why do i smile so? the familiar sensual curve of my mouth creeps up, slowly drawing forming like honey-- into the edges of my warm lips.
honey because of the sweetness there and the thick almost glue like feel of the curve. how it stays curved. how with an effort to form an "unsmile", i have to really uncurve, unglue, unstick those jovial corners...
and that inward turn ends itself in a sort of yummy mush, i feel deep inside. maybe that's why i smile so! that mushy let-go squee-gee experience is something tantalizing.
ooze of the ages gathering in my electric cheekbones-- vibrating invigorating body-jelly, enjoying this of its own accord because it can, because i let it!
especially on the right side of my face. that rightside.
the blank void faces that surround on all sides eye my jovial corners as if i have a secret that i languish on, some bit of fun that i am keeping from them.
and what if i did have...?
mona lisa smile all my own : yet the evidence the proof
the mirror reflection is there for anyone to enjoy and uplift with. i do not hide my crescent moon gleam
behind quivering hand, as big as day is my mouth
when engaged in a smile.
and how to hide something as full big as bright as the day? and why would i want to?
ah but still, i wonder just how many mis/adventures
of Life i would have unknowingly excused myself from
were it not for the luxury i take in the action of a Smile.
*(especially in a world of mouths intent on lead-chewing.)