New heroes
Backwards swirled time and tide
As the dust and cobwebs flew
To show the green and orange inside
With rusted tent pegs trying to hide
Ashamed they're no longer new.
How can three decades seem
So near and crisp and true
Sharper than a razor's gleam
Closer than last night's dream
Fresher than the morning dew?
Some memories don't grow cold
Shuffling back to 85 or 86
When we ran the flag up the pole
Never thought of growing old
And sometimes took a risk.
The tales the old tent has seen
Are woven now in family myth
When fields were emerald green
And we went playing in the rain
Knowing all possibilities exist.
Now we unfold the tent again
And watch the apex grow
The worn flysheet's sturdy mend
Will surely last a year or ten
As it searches for new heroes.