Best Advice
If you were to ask me for my best advice I would first need to know a few things before I could gift you it.
First I'd need to know your age, which on the face of it doesn't seem so relevant, but if you are under thirty, I'd advise you to save your money. Save as much as you can and don't ever touch it because the time WILL come when you're going to need it (and how).
Secondly I'd need to know your state of health, because if you're sucking on sixty smokes a day then you had better believe that those bad boys are going to catch up with you. Smoking cigarettes is akin to being shot with a very slow bullet.
Thirdly I'd need to make a quick assessment of your medical history, just so I can throw in a few pointers.
So then, taking my three points above into consideration, my best advice is;-
Don't Smoke.....ever.
Save every penny.
Follow your heart.
And finally, just to add a touch of garnish to my lecture, be good to yourself, which in those four words pretty much sums up all the above.
That's it. Be cool, take care out there and live your life as best you can because we're all dead for SUCH a long time.