your okay.
i need someone to know that thigs can be okay for you.
know that the things that may break you are forcing you build back up. you get that good strength and you feel like you at the top of your summit. so close to the angels but maybe the dark comes so quickly and you cant even remeber the light and you keep trying to remember the things in you that havent been murdered by the creed that came to you on those nights of surrender. i dont want someone to read this and think that these are just words. id be so blessed to have someone read these words and see the truth that they cant find or maybe embark on the road that is rugged and when the road is unclear. please know that its okay to be afraid and maybe they wont become clear but thats not the point of it all. life us not always about understanding everything. just the things that creep into the crevaces of our hearts the time the ones where the only thing that kept you going were you dragging feel. those old soles so worn. you need the healing dear. and you deserve it. dont let anyone tell you that you dont deserve the things t hat your soul has bleed for you to continue. those old dreams? dust em off and keep em polished for the road. keep the bad times on your sleeve aswell as the good so they dont come in slammings. i love you and i dont want you to give up on life, im just typing and i dont want the bleedings to fold as much. just what im trying to get you to remember.