Everything and nothing
Who am I?
No one really knows.
I am raceless, ambiguous.
Placeless, without a culture.
People think I'm everything.
My caramel skin and chestnut eyes belonging to everywhere.
Indian? Hebrew? Nigerian? Cuban? Brazilian? Fijian? First Nations? Polynesian? Persian?
And on and on and on.
Little do they know I'm an oreo
Black, white
Guyanese, Spanish, English
Thats it
People are quick to call me black.
I am not black.
I am half black.
If people can call me black than they should be able to call me white.
They never call me white.
My blackness taints me.
Black people don't want me
I am to light
White people dont want me
I am too dark
Where do I fit in in society
I never knew.
My mother is white.
People used to ask if I was adopted
I am not adopted, I am half white
So difficult for people to understand
I don't know who I am
Where I stand
I am not black
Or white
I am a mutt
A mix
A mulatto
There are none like me around me
I have no culture because I am something different.
Something new.
Something many have never seen before.
Can I touch your hair?
Is it natural
How is your skin so tan
Where are you from
Who am I?
No one really knows unplacable. pSomellllllblBlhite, orea