Tell them you love them.
Tell them you love the gap between their teeth when they laugh.
Tell them their laughter brings back nostalgic memories when you thought love was for birds only.
Their them their face is a combination of perfection in the face of adversity.
Tell them!
Tell them of your days in college.
The them of how you thought love was for sissies and for the weak
Tell them how their thoughts reasonate with every fibre of your being
Tell them!
Tell them their smell is your kind of air
Tell them their height is your kind of limit
Tell them their shoulder is your kind of wall to lean on
Tell them!
Tell them the stars shine in their eyes
Tell them their heart is the haven you have yearned for long
Tell them love is above all and you have been conquered
Tell them love was then distant to you but now closer to you with their every step
Just bloody tell them!