The Sandman went insane and started giving away nightmares instead.
The Sandman is now the boogeyman. MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Darkness rages
Through the night
Sweat glistens across my brow
As horrendous images flit through my mind
Every night
He brings me fear
He brings me pain
Until tears streak down my cheeks in the dark
Alone in the dark
He digs his knife deep under my skin
And slowly carves my heart out
I let him
How could I stop his darkness?
I let him
Tear me to pieces
And when he's done
After he's filled me with darkness
The pictures in my head
Stop torturing my soul
He wraps his arms
Around my waist
And pulls me closer
To him
I smile at him
And kiss him softly
And I walk by his side
As he poisons minds
And haunts others in their dreams
And makes me fall in mine