Imaginary Happy Place
My happy place isn't real, it's the place that when life get's hard i lay at night and imagine i'm there.
I can feel the green grass underneath me, smell the trees around me and hear the water from the stream in front of me.
I smile at the flowers that are blooming and scattered around me.
It's never too sunny but it's enough to keep you warm as the breeze blows and creates that calming atmosphere.
I can smell the earth and hear the faint noise of nature and animals.
when it's been a really hard rain it's stormy and the rain pours around me, i can take cover or i can embrace it and let it wash the tears away.
It may not be real physically, but it's real to me and it fills me with an inner peace that i can only find through words. i may be in my room but when i close my eyes, i'm there and that's the best escape from reality some days.
It can be anything i need and everything i want because it's just mine.